Ginger's Vocational School is an educational institute in the Kingdom of Friedonia created by King Kazuya Souma and is run by Ginger Camus. It was created to provide commoners with greater access to formal education but quickly grew from teaching reading, writing and arithmetic to include schools for specialized subjects similar to a university. The main complex is situated in the former slums in Parnam but while specialized institutes have been established in other major cities
Facilities and Policies[]
The main complex of the Ginger's Vocational School is situated in the former slums of Parnam in a massive facility with many buildings in a compound covered by a brick wall. Ginger's office is located in a large boxy building similar to a average Japanese hospital or school building. Other facilities include an elementary school and schools dedicated to various subjects where research is carried out and when a field of study achieves results schools dedicated to it are established in other cities thus it gained the name "School of Schools". However schools of medicine and agriculture were present in Parnam due to their greater importance and the presence of major teachers in the city but the medical school later became independent and became the Randel Medical School. While the research building for agriculture was within the complex the fields were situated outside of the city walls but as the institute was already at the edge the city they only had to exit the city gates.
Children under 12 were given free meals to encourage attendance and reduce the economic burden from the poor and adults could also get basic education through night classes.