Project Lorelei or the Lorelei Project is a series of Jewel Voice Broadcast programs that were devised by Kazuya Souma, in order to provide information and entertainment to the masses. Initally intended for the citizens of the Elfrieden Kingdom, it was also broadcast to the people of the former Principality of Amidonia.
Overall Description[]
Unlike the first broadcast, which showcased different foodstuffs and how to prepare them, Project Lorelei was intended to give the citizens daily updates of current events and entertainment. It had the added bonus of encouraging the people of Amidonia to express themselves more freely and give them a sense of freedom they didn't have under the oppressive government of Gaius Amidonia. The project was intially composed of news broadcasts and singing programs by talented individuals such as Juna Doma. It later added on educational programs, weather forecasting and even adventure shows reminiscent of live sentai stage performances.
- Juna Doma (top lorelei and star of Singing with Big Sis)
- Chris Tachyon (news announcer)
- Pamille Carol (lorelei)
- Nanna Kamizuki (lorelei)
- Kazuya Souma (king, sometime host)
- Aisha Udgard (king's bodyguard and host)
- Margarita Wonder (former general and R&B singer)
- Little Mushashibo (co-star of Singing with Big Sis)
- Roroa Amidonia (co-star of Singing with Big Sis)
- Naden Delal (weathergirl)
- Ivan Juniro (Exercise Guy and Overman Silvan)
- Carla Vargas (Miss Dran)
Project Lorelei's impact on the people, especially those in Amidonia, was far more than Kazuya had ever expected. Not only was he able to re-occupy and annex the city of Van, but other Amidonian cities wanted to be annexed as well after seeing the broadcasts. As a result, the entire Principality of Amidonia ceased to exist, becoming part of the Kingdom of Friedonia. Furthermore, Roroa Amidonia saw financial potential in broadcasting commercials and with the addition of Naden Delal, real-time weather forecasting became possible. The success of the project has even spawned an imitation in the Gran Chaos Empire, with the empress Maria Euphoria herself, becoming its top reality-star.
- Its essentially televaion.